
7/8 授業開始日 朝インスタントヌードル昼食パンとみかん夜インスタントヌードルと納豆とピザ







 Today is the first day of the second semester. I want to write about my impression of 3 classes. First, Econometrics looked easy because it deals with almost the same content as Econometric class in Keio. But it is difficult for me to listen to contents in detail, so I need to ask professors at some time. Reading textbooks ahead is also important, it makes me easier to understand lectures. Second, Food Marketing seemed very intersting, it is whole new thing I have never learned. But I'm worried about a team assignment. I bought a textbook so it is necessary for me to read it carefully. Third, Introduction to Computer Science looked like the same content as Machine Learning in the cousera. But this class will use python instead of octave so I'm interested in computer lab part. I'm free on Fridays so I want to study about programming on that day. Also, I have only one class on Wednesdays, so I will review lectures there.

   It was very cold today so I couldn't buy any sweets...







 Today, I went to the Albatross Center in Otago Peninsula with a friend of mine. Albatross is a bird. They spend almost all of their life on the sea, but when they raise their chird, they come to the land and hatch an egg and feed their child. Children of Albatross cannot fly before they do diet because they are only feeded by their parents. To do diet, parents put their food far from their child and force him walk. This fact is very interesting. And we are not surprised that they are worried about plastic waste because children of Albatross often eat them and it tends to stay inside. One boy who came there with his mother said that we should know where to waste to protect them. But a guide, who is a man, said to him that there are people who can only think about themselves because they are in poverty. This is true, then  the boy told that we should make a robot which collects waste. He was very pure and cute and a guide taught him about human being gently. Some people tend to deny opinions of children and think that the child's plan is impossible, but we should rethink this attitude. Also, his mother made a lot of questions about Albatross so we can learn about them very much. If we had questions or not, we should have asked something to the guide, I regret about it. But I could ask a person whether we can go outside a cafe or not. This is my progress to talk to a person.

    After that, we went to the Meridian Mall and ate butter chicken curry. It was so large and I couldn't eat everything. I should ask them not to put rice next time. However, we can eat new dishes except Macdonald's so that is my second progress. If not, we only ate hamburgers. We talked a lot of things today. Her pricate stories were very funny. Also, she talked about her major, law. She refered to the professor's case that professor invaded in a library he cannot enter, and changed his book with another professor's book... In this case, he is not accused about fraud. I always listened to her story, but I want to speak one useful thing next time I meet her.


Q1 XとYを埋めてください。米国のトランプ大統領と中国のXは29日に大阪市内で会談し、5月から途絶えている貿易協議の再開で合意した。米国は3千億ドル(約33兆円)分の中国製品への追加関税を先送りする。米企業による中国のYへの部品販売も認める方針に転じた。


Q2 エンティティー・リストとは何ですか。説明してください。

   Entity List is a list of companies which are possible to effect on world's security and foreign policies made by America. If you are to contract with one of these companies, you should get a permission from a country. Over several thousand companies are on the list, and this list have much effect on them. This is applied not only to American companies, but also MNEs.

Q3 XとYを埋めてください。 29日に閉幕した20カ国・地域首脳会議(G20大阪サミット)は海洋プラスチック(廃プラ)についてX年までにゼロにする目標を導入することで各国が合意した。深刻化する環境への影響にYが共同で取り組む意思を初めて示した

    X=2050 Y=中国?

Waste plastic is very big environmental problem between developed countries and developing countries. They throw away a half amount of all waste plastic in the world, and they have exported them to the southeastern countries because there are not so much space to waste them in their countries. Before this plan was decided in G20, some developed companies tried to reduce plastics because China stopped to accept plastic waste. Also, developing countries will introduce mashines to take apart plastic. But is it realistic?

Q4 WTOとは何ですか。G20で打ち出されたWTOの改革について、説明してください。

World Trade Organization. "The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations and ratified in their parliaments. The goal is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible." (WTO website, 2019)

Before this summit, in 2017 Hamburg summit, they daclared 'anti-protectionism'. But now, trade war between China and America is very intense, and prime minister Abe judged that that word will encourage the war to be worse. So they only artificate 'free, fair and indiscriminate trade'.

Q5 G20ではアメリカよりも中国ペースで事が進みました。その理由を「国家主権を巡る争い」と「米大統領選」から説明してください。

President Donald Trump cannot attack to China and should think about economic effect thank to this summit because he worried about his next presidential election.




1.give  rise to an idea of ~ (というアイデアを与えてくれる)

2.How different is it from ~ (と比べてどう違う?) 

3.What I can tell you for certain is ~ (確信して言えることは)

4.Let's have a look (見てみましょう)

5.bump out/into (おしのける、ぶつかる)

6.Let's think a little bit other things besides~ (の他のことを少し考えましょう)

7.a sliding scale of (スライド性の)

8.conspicuousness (目立つこと)

9.outwit (だしぬく)

10.it does a very big job of it

11.shown here, (ここでみられるように)

12.forage (さぐる)

13.flirt (いちゃつく)

14.malleable (うちのばせる)

15.segue (音楽用語:途切れなく続く)

14.den (巣穴)

15.in terms of ~

16.convergence (収束)

17.conjecture = guess

18.it's food for thought (考えの糧)

19.cogitate = consider

20.chromatophore (発色団)

21.iridescence (虹色)

22.how can we make use of some of this information?

21.ridge (ひれみたいなやつ)






